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2nd Apr 2024

Yesterday, we decided to pull off a little April Fools' Day prank, and boy, was it a funny! Remember when we told you about our "carrot wine" creation? Well, let's just say it was all in good fun! 

So, here's the scoop: We whipped up this wild idea of crafting carrot wine, all for the love of our office dog, Bo, who's a total carrot fiend. But c'mon, who actually makes wine from carrots? ? So, if you found yourself scratching your head and thinking, "Carrot wine? Really?" — yup, you got us! It was all just a hilarious April Fools' Day gag. 

But hey, we had a blast dreaming up this quirky concoction, and we hope it brought a smile to your face! Here's some behind the scenes of us bringing Dutch Courage to life! #aprilfools

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